CityLinC is a compassionate, faith-based organization serving children, youth, families and adults since 1968.
Phone: (269) 969-9181
Address: 70 Calhoun St.
Battle Creek, MI 49017
CityLinC connects children and youth to loving families, families to secure futures, individuals to caring community, and community to personal faith. Our name stands for "City Living in Christ."
70 Calhoun St.
Battle Creek, MI 49017
Phone: (269) 969-9181
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CityLinC: Foster Care:
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Why It Matters: CityLinC's Impact
Everyone Counts in God's Kingdom of Love
How CityLinC Directly Impacts the Lives of Children and Families
A wise person once said: "Everyone counts or no one does." As a faith-based organization, CityLinC believes that everyone is a child of God, worthy of our attention, concern and love. No matter what their background or life situation. Simply put, there are no "throw-away people."
The Growing Need for Foster Care
Connecting vulnerable children with loving foster parents is our #1 priority here at CityLinC. Right now, more than 22,000 children, ages 0-17, are in need of foster care just in the state of Michigan. These are just statistics - there are real, living, breathing children in need of immediate care.
Over the last 50+ years, we've helped hundreds of foster children, ages 0-17, find a safe, caring place to live. The circumstances are often challenging but our dedicated staff never gives up on a child. We work directly with the court system, child welfare agencies and compassionate providers to make sure that each foster family has the screening and training they need to succeed.
Ultimately, our goal is to make sure every foster child we help ends up in a loving "forever home" where they can thrive. Sometimes that involves the child's relatives. Sometimes it involves adoption. Whatever the case, we put the child's interest first every time.
Connecting People, Building Community
St. Mother Theresa, the great humanitarian of Calcutta, said: "The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved." All too often in our society, people who are struggling seem to fall through the cracks, unnoticed and untouched by others. Examples include:
Single mothers
Adults without a support system
Parolees re-entering society after incarceration
Children and teens in need of hope, guidance and purpose
Here at CityLinC, we believe that connecting people in need with others who can help is one of the most important things we do. If you want to be part of this vital work, we invite you to volunteer your time and talents today. To explore our many programs and services, click here now. To find out how you can get involved in our nonprofit mission, please click here now. Volunteers are always needed!
Learn More
To learn more about us, please explore this website or call our office at (269) 969-9181. Or join the conversation online on our CityLinC Facebook page. To ask a question or send us an e-mail message, please click here now. We also invite you to volunteer your time or make a tax-deductible contribution to support our continuing mission to the community. And don't forget to visit our online photo gallery.
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